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The Trader Success System
(The Quicker, Better Way To Make Money Trading Stocks)
The Perfect Solution If You Want To Build Wealth & Freedom Trading Stocks
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Terms & Conditions: I acknowledge that by pressing 'complete purchase' below I will be charged $2,997 AUD for The Trader Success System Program plus I will receive a free 30 day trial of The Trader Success System Mentoring which commences immediately. After the 30 day free trial I will be charged $597 AUD per month for Mentoring. I can cancel my Mentoring at any time by emailing before the next billing cycle commences. If I cancel the Mentoring I will retain access to The Trader Success System Program. Complete Terms & Conditions can be found here:

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The Trader Success System Program Includes:

  • Trader Knowledge Bank ($3,582 USD Value)
    Comprehensive library of 13 powerful trading courses including trading software & data setup, T6 Trader Profile, system selection, backtesting and diversification for all market conditions.
  • ​Trading System Collection ($997 USD Value)
    Access to a powerful collection of proven trading systems. You get a diversified portfolio of 6 systems on Day 1!
  • Trading Code Vault ($795 USD Value)
    Code Library and Templates for System Development and Backtesting so you can to design your own trading systems without coding from scratch.
  • ​Rapid System Builder ($2,997 USD Value)
    The EST system development tool where you select the market conditions and behaviour you want to trade to automatically identify the best potential trading system candidates.
Total Value: $8,371 USD ($12,562 AUD)

But you get all this TODAY 
FOR ONLY $1,997 USD ($2,997 AUD)
(Lifetime Access!!!)

PLUS You’ll Also Get 1 FREE Month Trial of The Trader Success System Mentoring which includes:

  • Extended Trading System Collection ($167/month Value)
    Access to 10 MORE SYSTEMS to diversify your portfolio even further. One of these complete systems will be added to your membership every month!
  • Trader Acceleration Sessions ($1,764/month Value)
    You get access to 2 live coaching sessions every week (that's 8 per month!) to keep your momentum high and get all of your questions answered. You also get coding and backtesting support and the confidence knowing you can pull the trigger with confidence. 
  • Trader Breakthrough Workshops ($1,997/month Value)
    Weekly LIVE hands on workshops to advance your trading knowledge, constantly ‘sharpen your saw’ and improve your trading skills in all 9 areas of the Trader Acceleration Model.
  • System Builder’s Club ($597/month Value)
    Weekly LIVE trading system development intensive to upgrade your system development skills. Join the elite group of traders who create their own unique and profitable trading systems.
  • TraderMind Performance Coaching ($497/month Value)
    Trading psychology coaching to enhance your performance. Make more money by applying the levers that improve your trading psychology so you never sabotage your results.
  • Trader Success Community ($197/month Value)
    Never trade alone as part of an exclusive community to network with likeminded systematic traders who speak your “trading language” from all over the world.
Total Mentoring Value: $5,219 USD/month

But you get a 30 day FREE trial with your purchase of The Trader Success System Program!

"All the Knowledge, Systems, Tools & Support You Need To Systematically Build Wealth And Freedom Trading Stocks Without The Market Wiping You Out"
Here's What You'll Get:
$2,997 AUD
(then $597 per month, cancel any time)
Frequently Asked Questions
The following are frequently asked questions that should address any remaining questions you may have.
I am busy and don’t have much time, will this still work for me?
This is the most common reason people give for not learning to trade. Ironically the fact that you are busy is exactly why learning to trade and The Trader Success System is so important. The great thing about The Trader Success System is it will dramatically reduce the time required for you to learn because it is all laid out for you step by step. This is a well travelled path with many successful students who have completed the program part time in addition to everything else in their busy lives. This really is the quickest way for you to become a successful trader!

When I first learned to trade I was extremely busy - travelling for work, working 12-14 hours a day in the office, raising a young family etc etc. But I made a decision that I didn't want to work like that forever, so I carved out a few hours a week to learn and committed the time. Was it difficult to do that? At times yes…  

Was it worth it? YES! 

In 2012 trading 30 minutes a day made me more than the >$200k per year I made in my day job working 12-14 hours a day. At that point I was free and left the workforce for good. Now I have all the time in the world to enjoy life and help other traders do the same. If don’t want to be stock in the rat race forever then finding a little time to learn to trade is critical. 

If you delay your learning for another 5 years, your future self is going to be very upset with you because 5 years is a lot of compounding, and that will cost you millions of dollars of wealth 15 years from now. I encourage you to make your business your REASON to do this program rather than your EXCUSE not to do it. 
I have already spent a lot of money on courses and I am still not successful, how do I know this isn’t just more of the same crap?
This program is unlike anything else you have done - The quality, clarity and value you will get in The Trader Success System is above and beyond anything you will find elsewhere. There is no time wasted on complex or esoteric concepts that won't make you money... you will not be drowned in complex (unnecessary) coding techniques... BUT you will learn exactly what is required to become a success systematic stock trader. The Trader Success System lays out a step by step path for you to:
1. Understand yourself as a trader
2. Select the right type of trading system for you
3. Backtest your system like a professional and build rock solid confidence
4. Launch your trading system
5. Diversify and improve your results with additional systems
But just in case you are still concerned, you have 30 days to try it out and ask for your money back if you are not completely satisfied. If you have read this far then you probably know that this is the right program for you. 
I am not an experienced coder, can I still do this?
The Trading System Collection, The Code Vault and The Rapid System Builder are all included in The Trader Success System to eliminate all coding headaches and make it a simple copy and paste exercise to create and test trading systems. You need to be comfortable with computers, but you do not need to be a coding geek to succeed at trading... you just need to be willing to give it a solid effort, copy & paste and ask questions as you go.
How long have you been trading and how much money have you made?
I have been trading consistently for over 18 years and have been making money consistently for over 15 years. I started trading with $7,500 and have taken well over a million dollars of profit out of the stockmarket since then. Trading is my primary source of income and also my primary wealth creation method.
If you are so successful, why do you teach?
I started teaching traders after I left the workforce because I was very isolated and didn’t know any other traders, so I had no one to talk to about something that I am very passionate about. I took on my first students so I could build a community of like minded people to spend time with and quickly realised that there is a huge amount of false information and scams out in the market place. I get excited about the idea of empowering traders to test ideas for themselves, get profitable more quickly, become independent and build their wealth - I only wish I had the same guidance when I started because it would have saved my 3 years of learning and I would be much wealthier today! 

Obviously trading education is also a business and like any good trader, I value diversification of income streams... I also value my time so treating trading education as a business makes it sustainable, ensures both student and teacher have 'skin in the game' and ensures we stay in exchange. 
Will this show me how to double my account every month / year?
If that is what you want this is not for you. Returns like this are unrealistic and are usually followed by losing 100% of your investment. Many others will promise this but do not be deceived - there is no get rich quick scheme that works. The Trader Success System will set you up for a lifetime of trading success using solid trading systems, but you should not expect to get rich by next month. If you still don’t believe me and you want to get rich by next week / month / year, please do not but my program.
Do you trade the systems in The Trading System Collection?
I trade many of the systems in The Trading System Collection with my own account. Those that I don’t trade are usually because the timezone doesn’t suit my lifestyle or I have another similar system in my portfolio.
Do trading systems really work? I know someone who has lost money using a system.
Of course not all trading systems work, but those that do can make you a lot of money. 

The Trader Success System shows you how to tell the difference between systems that work and systems that don't. After joining The Trader Success System you will never again have to hope your signals are profitable or place blind faith in someone else’s rules because you will learn how to evaluate any trading system you come across. I of course also encourage you to apply the same approach to my trading systems in The Trading System Collection and backtest / improve these for yourself.
I already have a trading system, will The Trader Success System still help me?
The Trader Success System will show you how to build confidence in and improve your existing trading systems and also help you rapidly diversify your trading with complimentary systems. Even one small distinction is worth a fortune to you and The Trader Success System will give you many such distinctions. The diversification you will get from The Trading System Collection is also hugely valuable even if you are already a profitable trader.
Do I really need a trading system?
Only if you want to be profitable and build your wealth without enduring the gut-wrenching drawdowns you will suffer with any of the traditional approaches such as buy and hold / fundamental investing / value investing / discretionary technical analysis / mutual funds / index investing and any hybrid approach.  Systematic trading is the quickest path to consistent and sustainable profitability. The great thing about trading systems is that they can be designed specifically to meet your objectives such as activity levels, drawdown and return profile. 
I do not have the Amibroker software yet, do I need it before starting the program?
Trading software is not required to get started with The Trader Success System. You can download and install a free trial of Amibroker when you are ready to start Backtesting. The software costs around $300 when you are ready to purchase. I do not have a commercial relationship with Amibroker, I simply use and recommend them because it is the best value trading software I have found.
I have a different trading software, is that a problem?
Not necessarily. 
Provided your trading software fits the criteria that I provide in the program then you can use it. Amibroker is very cost effective and powerful and my trading system and code examples are provided in Amibroker code format to make it extremely easy for you. The rules are also written in plain English should you prefer another trading software package.
I do not have a broker yet, should I get one first before joining The Trader Success System?
The Trader Success System is the best first step because once you have completed the program you will be in a solid position to choose the broker which is best for you.
Do I need to use your broker?
I have a moral problem with trading educators who make referrals to their broker because there are usually huge commissions and kickbacks involved. This is a conflict of interest which I refuse to have. I have guidelines for selecting the right broker which you can use, or you can use the same broker I use (Interactive Brokers) because they are the cheapest and have the widest variety of markets available. I receive no compensation from any broker and the choice is yours.
Do I have to use your systems?
You can modify the systems in The Trading System Collection and make them your own… or build entirely new trading systems using The Rapid System Builder… or backtest and use another system you already have. Either way The Trader Success System will help you build confidence diversify and succeed as a trader.
Where do I get historical data from for Backtesting and how much does it cost?
I use and recommend data from because it is the cheapest and provides the widest variety of markets for around $30 per month with no additional cost for the historical database. I have an affiliate link which you will get in the Members area that gives you 1 month free to trial it.  You can also use your own data source if you prefer, however I do not recommend free data because it is not adjusted for stock splits and corporate actions. 
Will the Trader Success System teach me fundamental analysis?
The Trader Success System teaches you how to be a successful systematic trader. This does not involve nor require fundamental analysis.
Do you teach crypto?
The Trader Success System is focused on stocks, however you can apply the trading system back testing methodology to other asset classes if you wish. I would suggest starting with stocks for your first trading system and diversify from there.
I have never traded before, will this help me?
You are in the right place! If you like the idea of systematic trading, you are comfortable with computers and you are ready to learn, The Trader Success System will give you all the knowledge, systems and coding expertise you need to quickly become a consistent and profitable system trader.
How do I know which trading system is best for me?
The Trader System Map, which is part of The Trader Success System will show you exactly what sort of system is best for you. You do not need to know now… but very soon after joining the program this will be crystal clear to you.
I don’t have any trading system ideas of my own, can I still do this?
You can start with any number of the systems included in The Trading System Collection. There is something in the collection for most types of trader.
I don’t know how to use Amibroker yet, does that matter? Should I learn Amibroker first?
Join The Trader Success System first...The Trader Success System will teach you everything you need to know, exactly when you need to know it. This program is the quickest and most efficient path for you to succeed at systematic stock trading.
Can you guarantee that I will make money trading?
No - That would be illegal and unethical. What I can guarantee is that you will love The Trader Success System you will be thrilled with the quality and clarity of the training. That is why I have a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee!
What will happen if we have another bear market, will this help me?
The Trader Success System will teach you how to build trading systems to allow you to profit in any market conditions. The Trading System Collection includes bull and bear market systems and systems for non-trending markets. You will also learn how to design trading systems for any market and any market behaviour using The Rapid System Builder.
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The information on this website is general in nature and neither takes into account personal objectives, financial situations or needs of any person nor constitutes investment advice. All opinions, conclusions and forecasts are reasonably held at the time of compilation but are subject to change without notice. Educational materials are not substitutes for professional advice. Past performances are not necessarily indicative of future performances. No representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, made regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on this website or the associated social media pages.
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